Hledáme výrazné individuality
Pokud si myslíte, že jste jiní, jste přesně člověkem pro BENTELER. Hledáte úspěch? Máte různorodé schopnosti a týmového ducha nebo rádi řešíte problémy? Jste důvěryhodní a umíte o tom snadno přesvědčit ostatní? V čem vynikáte a jaké jsou hlavní rysy Vaší osobnosti?
BENTELER je atraktivní zaměstnavatel s celou řadou příležitostí pro nováčky i čerstvě povýšené zaměstnance v rámci celého světa. Chceme, abyste přispěli svou individualitou a osobností, přičemž nezáleží na tom, zda budete rozvíjet svou kariéru ve specializovaném oboru, v managementu nebo v nejrůznějších projektech. Hledáme prostě silné osobnosti, které se budou aktivně podílet na rozvoji a úspěchu naší firmy.
Chcete vědět více o individuálních příležitostech v BENTELERU?
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A woman of action with a knack for leadership
Trude Ovstetun
Even today there is no lack of occupations that people tend to think of as “men’s jobs.” For some years now, however, more and more women have been venturing into the technology sector, and they have been encouraging other women to do the same. Trude Ovstetun, Manufacturing Manager at BENTELER Automotive in Raufoss, Norway, is a case in point, and her appeal to young women lies close to her heart. Companies, too, have recognized that a mix of both sexes contributes to efficiency gains.
“I originally wanted to study law. I was always fascinated by the laws that govern our lives. But I also found science very interesting, and for that reason I decided in 1996 to pursue studies in nature, the environment, and health. That was a good combination of both fields, since environmental protection has a lot to do with legislation.”
Now in her late thirties, Ovstetun reports that it was the prospect of working in the automotive industry that appealed to her most back then—an industry where innovation, technology, and science are wedded to continual development. Working within her field of competence since 2000, 2008 she joined the company as Safety, Health and Environment Manager, and she has remained faithful to the company ever since.
“I have become Manufacturing Manager thanks to the company and the factory management, which recognized and fostered my character and talent. I appreciate the opportunity to join the FOL Leadership training. And I would like to encourage all young women to fight for their dreams of a professional career. There are companies such as BENTELER that offer opportunities—you just have to seize them."
And even as a woman working in a field dominated by men, Ovstetun has not had to give up on balancing the demands of family and professional life. As a mother of two children, she has numerous childcare options in Norway. And flexible working hours is very important to manage worklife balance.
Motivation and leadership
Ovstetun has earned her management position through years of perseverance and ambition. She is responsible for production and believes it is very important to motivate employees and instill in them enthusiasm for their work. As a woman, she regards her communication skills and her structured approach to what she does to be her main strengths.
“I’m good at conveying knowledge in vivid terms. I want employees to understand or understanding without to why they are doing what they do. I’m not a traditional technician, but someone whose management qualities are based more heavily on communication and teambuilding as a fundament for problemsolving and improvement. Authenticity is very important to me in my role, and I don’t balk at taking on work, even when it’s not particularly enjoyable. That, too, is a part of life.”
Aside from her job, family plays a very important role for the Norwegian native. Ovstetun’s family often engages in outdoor activities together and is fond of traveling. A genuine safari in Africa would be a dream come true. And as long as it were compatible with her family life, Ovstetun could well imagine herself working at another BENTELER location—especially one abroad.
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