Hledáme výrazné individuality
Pokud si myslíte, že jste jiní, jste přesně člověkem pro BENTELER. Hledáte úspěch? Máte různorodé schopnosti a týmového ducha nebo rádi řešíte problémy? Jste důvěryhodní a umíte o tom snadno přesvědčit ostatní? V čem vynikáte a jaké jsou hlavní rysy Vaší osobnosti?
BENTELER je atraktivní zaměstnavatel s celou řadou příležitostí pro nováčky i čerstvě povýšené zaměstnance v rámci celého světa. Chceme, abyste přispěli svou individualitou a osobností, přičemž nezáleží na tom, zda budete rozvíjet svou kariéru ve specializovaném oboru, v managementu nebo v nejrůznějších projektech. Hledáme prostě silné osobnosti, které se budou aktivně podílet na rozvoji a úspěchu naší firmy.
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A communicator between cultures
Xin Chen
Germany and China—two countries that, at first glance, could not be more different. Perhaps that is also the reason why the two lands exert such a draw for travelers. From bockwurst and beer to castles and cathedrals, with Goethe and Albrecht Dürer thrown in for good measure, Germany's culture and history have a good deal to offer. The country boasts a reputation for quality and engineering genius that is practically unmatched. But China too has much to be proud of, and is currently traveling a meteoric path toward becoming a global economic powerhouse. Royal dynasties dating back millennia, the Forbidden City, the Great Wall of China—feats of construction that even today inspire awe in us all. Add to that a culture that puts values like harmony, a long life, and strong family ties first. Xin Chen, Project Engineer at BENTELER Automotive Shanghai, knows his way around both cultures and views himself as an intermediary between the two worlds.
"In 2012 I completed my master's program in mechanical engineering in Germany at the University of Clausthal and immersed myself in German culture. Apart from speaking German, I also know what makes Germans tick and can respond to differences in communication styles in my work."
Even as a schoolboy, Chen was interested in the natural sciences and engineering. He chose mechanical engineering mainly because China is an enormous growth market. Whether for machinery or buildings, the market is crying out for good engineers. After completing his master's program in Germany, Chen got wind of an opportunity to do a technical traineeship at BENTELER.
"It was obvious to me that one day I would go back to China. I'm a family-oriented person, and my parents and friends are very important to me. BENTELER presented me with the prospect of returning to Shanghai after one or two years. No matter what I end up doing, top-quality professional experience in an international company like this gives me the ideal start to my career."
The Project Engineer for BENTELER Automotive Shanghai, who is in his late twenties, acts as a key interface with Germany. In collaboration with his German co-workers, he finds opportunities and solutions for producing high-quality products for local automobile manufacturers.
Communication and open-mindedness
In his personal life as well, Chen is an open-minded and communicative person. He is an avid and frequent traveler—for one because it gives him the opportunity to gain familiarity with many different cultures and people. He is still in touch with many friends and companions in Europe. He is the perfect tour guide, and recommends a tour of Shanghai by night to his guests. He is also a devoted sports fan who likes to go swimming and play basketball.
"For me, ‘the journey is the reward.’ Keep your eyes open as you travel through life no matter what, and don't miss the things you're passing along the way. What do you see there? Beautiful landscapes. Now and again you meet people who travel alongside you for a stretch. At work as well, it's not just about finishing a project—how I do it is important too."
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